Q: We currently working on a project that needs GaAs LED wafer. The ideal structure would be:
(Top) GaAs_n_type/ barrier/Quantum well/barrier/GaAs_p_type/scarified layer/GaAs substrate (bottom). We would need to transfer the LED structure to another substrate by a lift-off process, and the whole LED structrure (from n-type to p-type GaAs) thickness should be around 500 nm. Could you please advise whether you have something that meets our requirement.
A:We thanks for your enquiry. some of our customer also buy our structure for lift-off process, please see below structure
GaAs Epi Wafer for LED/IR series
RED(620+/-5nm)2" GaAs LED wafer
DBR n-AlGaAs/AlAs
GaAs substrate