Defects which exhibit a clear shape to the unassisted eye and are > 50 microns across. These features include spikes, adherent particles, chips and craters. Large point defects less than 3 mm apart count as one defect.
Grooves or cuts below the surface plane of the wafer having a length-to-width ratio of greater than 5 to 1. Scratches are speci ed by the number of discrete scratches times the total length in fractional diameter.
A texture resembling the surface of a golf ball. Speci ed in % affected area.
Step bunching is visible as a pattern of parallel lines running perpendicular to the major at. If present, estimate the % of speci ed area affected.
Veri ed by inspecting for a uniform color to the wafer backside. Note there is a darker region near the center of some higher doped wafers. Backside cleanliness speci ed as percent area clean.
Areas where material has been unintentionally removed from the wafer.Do not confuse fractures in epi crown with edge chips.
Regions where step- ow was interrupted during epi layer growth. Typical regions are generally triangular although more rounded shapes are sometimes seen. Count once per occurrence. Two inclusions within 200 microns count as one.